Em 1959 foi construída a pérgula das rosas cobrindo os principais caminhos deste jardim, para marcar o bicentenário dos jardins de Kew.

Refira-se, como curiosidade, que ao longo do limite nascente deste jardim estão localizados pequenos talhões muito bem cuidados, cujo cultivo faz parte das actividades curriculares dos prestigiados cursos de jardinagem de Kew.
1Em 2003, o número de plantas era de apenas 2500 em 108 canteiros, representando 50 famílias botânicas.
10. The Order Beds or Systematic Garden.
The Order Beds were devise in the late 1860s by Sir Joseph Hooker, then director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, on the ground occupied by the kitchen garden of the Royal House until 1847, and aim the teaching of Plant Taxonomy.
At present1, an organised collection of more than 3000 different types of herbaceous plants from 51 different families is laid out on 126 beds.
By growing plants from the same family together, similarities and differences in appearence are easily visible and it is possible to see a sample of the diversity within the herbaceous flowering plants.
Among these plants, some can be mentioned for their especially beautiful flowers, as Nigella damascena (love-in-a-mist) and Aquilegia vulgaris (european columbine), and one must be referred, Artemisia annua (sweet wormwood), because of its extraordinary efficacy in the treatment of malaria disease.
Along the eastern boundary are the Kew student vegetable plots, where they are required to grow a range of crops as a part of their diploma.
1In 2003 the number of plants was 2500 on 108 beds, representing 50 botanical families.
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